Swine Flu Contagious, Has Government Been Prepared? 

By: Iman Sjahputra, SH., SpN., LL.M*)

Democratic feast (Presidential election) has finished. The campaign yell and vote getting activities have finished. There are something left, that is on the final counting to determine who the winner will be. Even if we can be “sure” that the pair of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) – Budiono won the competition. SBY – Budiono will become President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for year 2009-2014. This is proven by the quick count conducted by several survey institutes. Officially we still must wait for the announcement by the General Election Committee (KPU). We of course are proud that the election of President and vice president could run smoothly and peacefully. We of course are aware that there are come complaints that there were some deceits. Also as to the matter that some people are not represented in the election. But that is all dynamic of a democracy. They are just complaints. The objection shall not cause the election to fail. Whatever happend, people are no longer stupid and easily be misleaded. People have been able to see so far what the government has been doing. Who they are that can work and act as figure and which one that can be relied on to lead this nation have been realized by the people. For sure people need a figure which does not only represent individu and party but more than that, he must prioritizes on national interest. Who will be that leader ? People of course know it. We only remind the pair of President and Vice President SBY-BUDIIONO, if elected. That heavy duties for improving the nation’s fate have been awaiting, elected President can not just take it easy with their win. New duties as follow up of the previous president tasks have been awaiting. In global order, various cases such as claim of small islands by Malaysia; the cases on TKW (Overseas Women Worker); cases on Border of Papua must be settled completely soonest. Included also on the global diseases at present that is Swine Flu. Pandemic Flu (H1N1) which spread from human to human originally coming from Mexico which appear in April 2009 have causes casualties globally of not lees than 429 persons and total suffering amounting to 94,512 persons. Within a short period, this dying flue has been spreading all over the world. There is no country which is immune from this flue disease. And it is worried that in the country with climate that will change from autumn to winter will face many victims. Beside due to change of weather also due to return of the persons from affected area. No party can estimate when and where this disease will be contagious. Is it due to touching, food and beverage or conversation or physical contact with the sufferer? Healing Medicine such as Tamiflu and relenza are estimated to be able to reduce or block this contagious diseases is still a question mark as to whether the medicine can cure swine flue ? Then what preventive efforts that can be done maximally ? For example screening of travellers coming from overseas must be intensified. Thermosgraphic equipment which is installed at any entry gate of the air port/immigration must be funtioned well. Each passenger who passes through the screen must be checked correctly as to whether he/she suffers from heat temperature increasing? China is the country which apply very strictly on the screening of all passangers coming from verseas. Each passanger is requested to fill the form and then be cross checked with the health officers by using temperature gauge. If it is found that body temperature of a passanger exceeds normal level, the passanger will be quarantined for 7 days. And even due to this tight screening, the wife New Orleans USA Major has been quarantined in China because one of passanger who travel in one flight with her is suffering from H1N1. Some people see that on the basis of Human Rights the act of the China government violates human rights. However for the interest of the nation this country will defend it self on the reason that swine flue is very scaring. We in Indonesia may have question as to what extent the government has taken effort to overcome this contagious disease? Are we prepared to suffer it? Various regulation and circular letters have been issued by Minister of Health in anticipating of and the handling of this swine flu.More than 100 hospitals have become the referral for the patients. But it is not enough if it is not followed by socialization by the health officers as to the danger of this contagious disease. Than what action and how if some one has been suspected to have been affected by H1N1? All these must published so that people can become aware. Its a stronge thing if we see that in each city recently some people have worrying of this flue. So its preventive precaution is by wearing masker. Is such way correct and effective ? Government must be serious in handling this case and not just half hearthed. We should not compared with the other country that the sufferers in our country is far lower less while our polulation is bigger that other country such as Malaysia and Mexico. Yes it is true that in terms of population amount the percentage of sufferers is very low. But effect of this flu is quite big and even lead to paranoid. Therefore its necessary that intensive illumination be given so that the people become aware of virus H1N1. Has our government and the next ruler been ready for that ?

*)the writer is an Advocate domiciled in Jakarta.


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